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05-03 22:09
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[YouTube|해킹] Attacking Bluetooth on Live Headphone | Bluetooth Ping of Death Attack | Deauthentication 본문

보안|해킹 영상 자료/해킹

[YouTube|해킹] Attacking Bluetooth on Live Headphone | Bluetooth Ping of Death Attack | Deauthentication

Secure-EDU 2018. 11. 10. 13:30

[YouTube] Attacking Bluetooth on Live Headphone | Bluetooth Ping of Death Attack | Deauthentication

l2ping 를 이용하여 Bluetooth Device DoS 하는 Kali Linux 시현 영상 입니다. 

주의 : 테스트 이외의 목적으로 발생 되는 문제점에 대해서는 프로그램을 사용하는 사용자가 책임을 지셔야 한다는 것을 알려 드립니다.

Disclaimer: I am not responsible for any damage done using this tool. This tool should only be used for educational purposes and for penetration testing.

The video shows a demonstration on Denial of Service Attack for Bluetooth enabled devices. It works like Ping of Death. It uses L2CAP layer to transfer an oversized packet to Bluetooth enabled devices, resulting in a Denial of Service attack.
